Give Me a Sign!

7:01 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

You always be the first in my life.
I always trust you.
Wanting to know your life.
When you feel hurt, deep inside I feel it too.
When you're happy, I feel even happier.
When I say to myself that I HAVE TO let you go, apart of me don't want
to let you go.

Just, what
am I to you now?
One of your friend?
One of your special friend?
Or am I your best friend?
Do you still want me in your life?
Do you still need me?

You know, I feel like I'm being insane a little by little.
Guessing that I still worth to you or I'm too much for you.
I don't know why it killing me inside.
So can you please understand me a little?
Give me your attention a little?
Just a little bit.
I just need a little bit, can't you?

Sorry for being selfish, being over dramatic.
Sorry for disturbing you.
I'm sorry for everything.
I feel that I can't hold it anymore.

So, please give me a sign to continuing this damn drama or get over it.
Don't left me hanging like a crazy people.
Please. I'm begging you.
Give me a sign.

Hargai penulis dengan meninggalkan jejakmu :)